How to Run Multiple React Native Apps at the Same Time: Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

Priyanshi Patel
2 min readAug 31, 2024

When developing parallel React Native apps, like one for vendors and another for customers, it’s often necessary to run both apps at the same time. This guide will show you how to run multiple React Native apps simultaneously on a single machine, making your development process more efficient.

  1. Running Two Different Apps on Virtual Device and Real Device.
  2. Debugging Multiple Apps Simultaneously.

Running React Native Apps on Virtual Device and Real Device


Type this command in your terminal to see list of attached devices.

adb devices
List of devices attached
45z56ppf9dcuvkiv device
emulator-5554 device
react-native run-android --port 8082 --deviceId emulator-5554
react-native run-android --port 8088 --deviceId 45z56ppf9dcuvkiv


react-native run-ios --port=8088 --simulator="iPhone 13"

Debugging Multiple Apps Simultaneously.

1. Launch Chrome DevTools

  • Open the first app in the emulator or on the device.
  • Shake the device or press Cmd+D (iOS) or Cmd+M (Android) to open the developer menu.
  • Select “Debug with Chrome” to open a new Chrome DevTools window.

2. Connect Chrome DevTools to the Correct Port

  • Ensure that the first Chrome DevTools is connected to localhost:8082.

3. Repeat for the Second App

  • Open the second app on a different emulator or device.
  • Open the developer menu and select “Debug with Chrome”.
  • Ensure this instance of Chrome DevTools is connected to localhost:8088.

Bye 👋 Happy coding 💻

